Home Crime Rasmussen Reports Survey: Photo-IDs to Vote Supported by all ages, all races, all parties, all ideologies, all incomes, all educations

Rasmussen Reports Survey: Photo-IDs to Vote Supported by all ages, all races, all parties, all ideologies, all incomes, all educations

by globedaily.net
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The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 77% of Likely U.S. Voters believe that requiring voter photo ID is a reasonable measure to protect the integrity of elections – up slightly from 74% in 2022 and 2021. Just 17% disagree. As in the past, despite the claim that voter photo IDs discriminate against blacks, the poor, and least educated, blacks are the most supportive with 88% support versus 74% among whites. Those who with a high school and less than a high school degree education are 84% and 75% supportive compared to 65% for those with a graduate school education. There is no evidence that the poor are less supportive than the high income people.

Only Democrats and liberals think that photo voter IDs discriminate against some voters.

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